Converting your client’s or your listed company’s annual report into an ESEF is easy on your own personal computer. Your Word document and your Excel financial statements are transformed into a valid ESEF annual report with a single click, and with a few clicks more also in paper-oriented PDF.
Your role is compliance, preparation of annual report, financial statements, regulatory requirements and so on. Your role is business as usual, even if you consider that preparing the annual report in IFRS according to new ESMA mandate is much more than business as usual, but this is your role in any case. Our role is made easy for you the last step creating the ESEF file. Our role is to be fully aware of ESEF technology: iXBRL syntax, reporting rules, XHTML rendering and other IT arcane.
Simply contact us at to open ways of collaboration.
Agents, resellers, distributors … welcome!
Dublin +353 858 529 301
Frankfurt +49 15 158 964 879
Madrid +34 616 949 128
(your city and phone soon here……)
easyESEF Ltd. Ireland. CRO 662512
15 Knights Crescent. Nenagh. Co. Tipperary. E45R638
This is an offer of collaboration. Let your business as usual, your client relationship as usual, your organization as usual, by having us in the background for this single (even crucial) task: transform classical Word and Excel files into mandatory ESEF file in a easy and transparent way, locally, in your own language, in your own computer. We are your partners for this specific technological task.
Our expertise is technology, not accountancy. Since 15 years ago we have been implementing regulatory reporting frameworks using XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), the underlying technology of ESEF, in European Union, Easter Europe and several American countries, including USA. We have learnt how to minimize the technological regulatory burden in countries or filing chains with limited resources. Simple is not just beautiful, it is also easier.
Our collaboration proposal is oriented to service providers or compliance experts involved in preparation of annual reports for listed companies in Europe, hence mandated to create ESEF files. Not all service companies collaborating with issuers, nor many of the issuers themselves, know how to deal technically with ESEF. For this reason easyESEF was born, as a small group of experts, coming from the world of open source, to cross-collaborate in an easy and fruitful adoption of ESEF.
We offer from easyESEF, a simple Excel and Word file creating ESEF, to customized solutions integrating existing Open Source software, webservices or blockchain. As IT trainers for accountants, we can explain in simple words all you need to know about ESEF. We take special care in full translations to the 23 languages of the European Union. OEM style software and documentation customization with your logo and brand Response time in less than 24 hours with a resolution rate of 95% by contract (well, it is software developed by us). Our added values are integrated utilities for an easier implementation and better user experience, as converter/reader for CSV (classical flat file), reader for whatever ESEF or IFRS iXBRL file, free ESEF validator and so on. A first sample are the free downloadable programs and materials are being made available to the public on this website.
About ESEF
The European Single Electronic Format (ESEF), which will be mandatory from 2021 for the annual financial reports of listed companies (issuers) in Europe, is a challenge for more than 5000 issuers. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) submits the ESEF technical regulation to the European Commission, which approves it and promulgates it in the Official Journal, being mandatory since then. The EU Transparency Directive is the legal framework for this model.
Technologically, ESEF involves the move to internet-oriented publication with the standard web format xhtml (instead of the classic .pdf paper-oriented), plus the standard format iXBRL to facilitate the assimilation of figures and data from financial statements directly by computers, without the need for re-keying (reliability and speed). ESEF is ready to work in the 23 languages of the European Union.